Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Year, New You. Transform Your Body and Your Beauty Regimen!

by Yi Hsin

Breakthrough in Beauty® Logo, Cosmetic Bottles, and an Orchid

It's a new year. Out with the old and in with the new—even beauty products. It's time to take a look through your bathroom cabinets and finally toss out those expired products that have been sitting around for years. There aren't any hard-and-fast rules for exactly when to throw out old makeup or skincare products, but keep in mind:

  • Eye shadows seem to last forever, but they tend to crack with age.
  • Organic products have a very short shelf life because of the preservatives in these types of products.
  • Liquid eyeliner and mascara should be thrown away after 6 months, since they can cause eye infections.

Organic products have a very short shelf life because of the preservatives used in these types of products so make sure to smell your product and look out for color changes. After some time, products can lose their effectiveness, but they can also develop odors, discoloration, bacteria, and even mold. Do you really want to apply that to your skin?

To keep skincare products effective longer and slow the growth of bacteria, store them in a cool, dark place and don’t open new products until you’re finished with the ones you’re currently using. Some companies actually print a PAO (which stands for “period after opening”) label on the product to let you know how long you should keep it. For example, if the label says 12 M, you should discontinue use after 12 months. Although PAO labels are required in Canada, they’re not in America.

Remember that some sunscreens has an expiration date printed on the container. Most makeup, on the other hand, can be used for 12 to18 months. The color and consistency may start to change a bit over time.

Eye shadows seem to last forever, but they tend to crack as they age. We recommend that you throw nail polish away after 1 year, as it can clump and turn hard. Be very careful to throw away liquid eyeliner and mascara after 6 months, since these can cause an eye infection. Over-pumping your mascara can let in more air, causing it to dry out faster. As for lip liner, skip the push-up types, as they’re expensive and tend to break, and you never really know how much you have left until you run out. Perfume can lose its specific odor after a short 3 to 6 months if it’s kept in heat or sunlight, so make sure you store it in a cool dark place, not in your car. And wash your makeup brushes every week or two with a brush cleaner or even gentle shampoo to make sure you aren’t putting any extra oil or bacteria onto your face.

You may not remember exactly when you purchased or opened a product, so just make sure to keep an eye out for any changes in odor, consistency, or color so you know when it’s time to throw it away. You’ll be left with fresh, unexpired products and your countertops will thank you!

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